The Falluja Fallacy

"In the presidential election Senator Kerry never achieved traction on the Iraq issue because his own policy was close to a mirror image of President Bush’s. Now Kerry is gone, the election over. Where does Bush go from here?"

I am so sorry, Yasser

"The successful demonization of Arafat gave Sharon a free hand to pulverize the Palestinians. Before long, Israeli war crimes against the Palestinians were beamed in Technicolor from Jenin, Bethlehem, Rafah, Nablus and Jabalaya."

9-11 and a Lack of Presidential Leadership

"A full explanation of the nation’s apathy can only come from the Independent Commission."

Rising anti-Arab rhetoric parallels anti-Semitism

"If Americans really believe in principles of equal protection under the law and are truly dedicated to the eradication of hate, then people like Karben who promote hate and who disguise their embrace of violence with repugnant rhetoric should be prosecuted rather than elected to office."

End of the Fêted Arafat!

"Yasser Arafat, who died at the age of 75, in France on Thursday, was the standard-bearer of Palestinian nationalism for nearly half-a-century who could not see his dream of an independent state [of Palestine] become a reality."

Iraqi experience demonstrates the solidity of the institutions of traditional society

"The Iraqi experience is not an anomaly. It is a model that demonstrates a Muslim-Arab crisis that started to build late in the nineteenth century. It is now necessary to admit the divisiveness that has been endured by various Muslim societies, and to admit that many of the developments experienced by such societies are irreversible."

Yasir Arafat – A Symbol of Freedom

"On going US-led forces operation in Iraq, the systematic destruction of Iraq, the helpless and weaken conditions of Arab Leaders, all this made Yasir Araft disheartened and mentally and physically distressed. Yet he never compromised with the Israeli authorities."

Is Sistani the Judas of Iraq?

"Usage of such weapons is not a problem since the intended victims are Arabs – ‘sand niggers’, considered to be less than human beings. Perhaps this is why the US had no regrets when it nuked the Orientals, much more preferred than their Anglo-Saxon cousins in Germany."

Why Bush and Political Christianity Triumphed ?

"Religion is now occupying center stage in US politics. The Christian right has come into its own politically. In the days ahead the world will witness the growing influence of religion on the Constitution and the State institutions of the secular democracy of the United States."

God Bless America

"There is considerable evidence that fundamentalists are people who suffer from greater-than-average levels of defects like anxiety and paranoia."

Eid Al-Fitr

"My last Eid at home was in 1969. Today as I see the painful images of my people caged in their homes by the brutal curfews, living in tents after their homes are demolished (over 1,000 demolitions in Palestine, this year alone leaving many thousands homeless), mourning the loss of loved ones, and unable to partake in even the simplest part of the Eid, I am saddened, but also angered."

Arafat’s death: Heroes never die

"The internal problems were compounded by the fact that he not only faced a ruthless enemy in Israel, but also Arab rulers who plotted his death and often attempting to control his fledging PLO through their proxy."

A Conservative Christian Republican asks: Are "Paid For" Christians Hypocrites in...

"Would Jesus lie to the world to justify an attack on another nation, the killing of now over 100,000 Iraqis? No, certainly not, but that is what George W. Bush did and then lied to get the Christian vote."

An open letter to President Bush: Stop this nonsense, today!

"Battle is not about generals with pointers and PowerPoint presentations; it is about chaos, danger, fear, unpredictability, and sometimes random death."

The First Casualty of War is: The Casualty Figures

"Discrepancy between the words of the ordinary US soldiers and the PR mouthpieces of the Pentagon conveyed by the likes of Reuters, CNN, BBC and others are blatantly obvious."


A Satire on the Bush War in Iraq

"Saddam had kicked the UN inspectors out several years ago, so by now we figured he must have amassed quite a few illegal weapons. To make this situation really explosive, we decided to link Saddam to both al-Qaeda and 9-11 -- after all they probably were in cahoots. Also, he probably had a nuclear capability in the works. Wow! All I have to do is mention “mushroom cloud” and the public will insist we preempt the evil one."

A Look Ahead to 2008 :: Part One ::

"Jeb Bush would like to continue a streak that the Republicans currently have in place. Since 1976, they have featured either a Dole or a Bush on every national ticket. That's eight straight presidential elections! The fact that he was able to help his brother do better than anyone expected in Florida (winning by five percentage points) bodes well for him."

Palestine Greater Than Arafat

"Despite the confusion of the hour, one fact remains clear. The Palestinian people, collectively, whether in the Occupied Territories, scattered in squalid refugee camps around the Middle East, or living in exile, will never wake up one day and accept the historic injustice that has been done to them. As long as Palestinians breathe they will rightfully demand that law and justice prevail in ending the nightmare that has haunted them for more than 50 years."

Yasser Arafat and the Death of Israel

"Israeli propaganda has created the myth that Arafat "rejected" a "dream offer" that is never to return. No one really believes that. The tragedy of Israel and Palestine is that they shed blood, and waste years, only to return eventually to Taba as the starting point."

The Palestinian Struggle was Never About One Man

"The reality is that when Israel ends the Occupation and implements UN resolutions, as well as deal with their Palestinian counterparts as true equals, peace just might be achieved. The Israeli PR equation of blaming one man is now effectively void."