Factors behind the Palestinian challenge to Yasser Arafat

"...Arafat is an old man, and despite his increased popularity among the Palestinians since the failure of the Camp David talks, the impatience of the Palestinians with the corruption of his protégés and courtiers has reached its peak."

A Made-in-Canada Proportional Representation System

"The answer perhaps could be found in a new made-in-Canada system using PR-like weighted voting in Parliament, but keeping the existing FPTP electoral system for its obvious benefits of direct and accountable democracy."

National Guard Bush vs. Swift Boat Kerry

"I think any genuine thinking person has every right to question Kerry’s ridiculous nonsense about defending America and to openly question and be harshly critical of the propaganda garbage about the bogus sacrifice and courage of men who participated in the senseless slaughter and destruction of another nation."

The First Bush-Kerry Debate

"While it would be too much to state that Pakistan’s existence would be threatened with a Kerry victory, it is taken for granted in Pakistan that the country usually suffers more at the hands of Democrats as compared to Republicans."

How the President Mishandled the War on Terror

"Instead of leading a worldwide effort to remove the al-Qaeda threat, the President insisted on invading a country that had no connection to either 9-11 or al-Qaeda, nor represented a threat. As a result, al-Qaeda continues to attack around the world and remains a major threat to the United States."