WMD to Mass Graves

"The US has begun to acknowledge grudgingly that the resistance is emanating from the local population."

Christian Solidarity Worldwide on Sudan: Proved Wrong Again

"Sudan has been at war, off and on, since 1955. The Sudanese conflict has been marked by a vicious propaganda war."

It will most likely happen unilaterally

"Settler opposition--political and physical--is the single greatest obstacle any government will have to overcome; every additional day of settlement expansion renders this challenge more daunting."


Laying the cornerstone

"Because of the concentration and size of the settlements, any thought of solving the settlement problem must begin with stopping their construction, infrastructure development and government incentives offered to attract homebuyers, and the reverse put into play."

US Iraq Policy: The Three Front Failures

"Iraqi resentment towards US presence could gradually become aggressive. Already according to a September 17 Associated Press report the commander of the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq said that U.S. forces also face “now face revenge attacks from ordinary Iraqis angered by the occupation.”