Masonic Dogmatism and Traditionalism


Dogmatism means to blindly and insistently support a view, for whose validity there is no proof, because of a certain psychological predisposition. A dogmatic person does not investigate or reconsider something he believes in whether or not there is any proof for it. He accepts it totally and sticks to it adamantly.

Masons and other anti-religious groups regularly use the term “dogmatic” to refer to those who believe in God. We encounter this accusation frequently today. For example, in a debate about the theory of evolution, the evolutionist side will probably accuse those who do not accept the theory as dogmatic, and declare themselves scientific by maintaining that science has no interest in “dogmas.”

However, this accusation is false. Belief in the existence of God, and that He created all beings, is a belief that is supported by much rational and scientific evidence. There is balance, order and design in nature, and it is clear that this was established intelligently and with deliberate purpose.

It is for this reason that the Qur’an calls human beings to discover the signs of God, and invites them to consider this balance, order and design, and in many verses commands them to think about the proofs in the heavens and on earth of the existence of God. Those proofs pointed out in the Qur’an are such phenomena as, not only the balance and order in the universe, but the suitability of the world to human life, the design of plants and animals, the design of the human body, and the spiritual qualities of human beings, all of which has been substantiated by modern science. (For details, see Harun Yahya’s Allah is Known Through Reason, The Creation of the Universe, Darwinism Refuted, For Men of Understanding, Design in Nature)

Rather, dogmatism is a quality of those who refuse to consider these things, and reject God while continuing to defend the view that the universe exists by its own accord and that living things came to be by chance. Masons are a true example of such an outlook. Despite the fact that the proofs for God’s existence are evident, they prefer to ignore and reject them in favor of the humanist and materialist philosophy.

In the Qur’an, God refers to of those of such a mentality:

When they are told: “Follow what God has sent down,” they say, “No, we will follow what we found our fathers doing.” What! Even if Satan is calling them to the punishment of the Blazing Fire?

(Qur’an, 31: 21)

These godless people follow what they found their fathers doing, that is, they are mired in a blind traditionalism. Indeed, traditionalism is a word that describes Masonry very well because Masonry is nothing other than an “organization of traditions,” whose roots go back thousands of years to earlier pagan societies. It blindly follows the traditions of Ancient Egypt, of the pharaohs and their magicians, Ancient Greek materialist philosophers, Hermeticists, Kabbalists, Templars, Rosicrucians and of Masons before them.

It is important to recognize this traditionalism. In modern Masonic lodges, legends, symbols and words that are thousands of years old, are still used. Despite the fact that nearly all Masons have a high level of education, and occupy some of the highest positions in society, they organize ceremonies in which they take gilt swords and skulls into their hands, murmur words in Ancient Egyptian, stand before columns modeled on Ancient Egyptian temples in silver aprons, white gloves and even more strange costumes and make profound oaths. If a person who knows nothing about Masonry is brought into one of their lodges, he will probably think that he is visiting a comedy film-set, and perhaps not be able to stop himself from laughing when he sees Masons in the course of the initiation ceremony, with their eyes blindfolded, ropes around their necks, and walking around with one bare foot. But, Masons, living in their secret world, regard these strange ceremonies as very normal, and find psychological satisfaction in the mystical atmosphere of their lodges. After these ceremonies, they sit and talk with one another about their beliefs that “atoms have spirits and come together to form living things,” that “the world attained its balance because of the hidden intelligence in magma,” or that Mother Nature has created us very well” and other myths. This whole charade is staged only to preserve tradition, and is so clearly devoid of reason that it is amazing that such a system of ideas could still survive and be defended.

Surely, Masonry’s claim to be reasonable and scientific is completely hollow. Like other materialists, they too, despite the fact that they continually use the terms of reason and science, insistently defend a philosophy that has no logical or scientific support, and turn away from the facts that science has discovered. Essentially, what has led Masons into such error, or indeed spellbound them, is their blind attachment to their traditions.

This shows that the teaching of Masonry is deceptive. It alienated people from their belief in God, making them fall into superstition by following empty laws, myths and legends. What the Qur’an says about the pagans of Saba, who abandoned God to prostrate themselves before the Sun, is valid also for Masonry: “Satan has made their actions seem good to them and debarred them from the Way so they are not guided” (Qur’an, 27: 24). Masons reject the religion of God in favor of an outmoded doctrine that they elaborate upon with gilt symbols and mystical elements. Moreover, not content with rejecting God, they fight against His religion, a struggle they have been engaged in a very long time. (For further reading, see “Global Freemasonry” by Harun Yahya)

Harun Yahya is a prominent Turkish intellectual.

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