Criticizing Israel is not being right-wing



In a story published in the Jewish Chronicle yesterday, “The unsavory tales of Hoffman ” Deborah Lauter, the director of the Atlanta-based southern region of the Anti-Defamation League, accused me of writing articles, “in a strongly anti-Israel vein, and could be found on several right-wing websites — including the revisionist sites of and Zun-del’s ‘ Zundelsite.’ ” Miss Lauter goes on to say that “We have been watching David’s letters to editors (Atlanta Journal-Constitution) for years. He has been virulently anti-Israel. The fact that his articles are appearing on extremist and Holocaust-denial websites is of concern. That he should be regurgitated in a mainstream paper is problematic.”

I will not apologize for writing articles critical of Israel. After all, I consider Israel’s illegal occupation to be the primary reason for the continued violence in the Middle East. Instead, I would like to state that I have never submitted any articles to any right-wing website especially Zu-del’s “Zundelsit” as I have been accused by Deborah Lauter of the ADL. In addition, I have never submitted even one article pertaining to the holocaust let alone ever denying the holocaust. Most of my articles are critical to Israel’s illegal occupation, the brutal oppression, and numerous violations of International Law against the Palestinian people. My main media outlet has been Media Monitors Network which is a well respected non-profit, non-bias and non-political platform which mainly helps to prevail the whole truth and generally facilitate answers to any disputed, controversial topic being broadcast, web cast, published, distributed or telecast in the world media. In no way is Media Monitors Network a right-wing, neo-Nazi website. And as far as is concerned, I was asked by them once if they could publish my comments on Israel’s record of home demolitions which they found interesting. I had no knowledge of the network but did not object to their publishing my article since the facts and figures were also available in Amnesty International’s 2000 Annual Report.

I am not certain that my articles do not appear on any other site, including Michael Hoffman’s site. I have searched his site as I did with Zundelsite but have found no articles of mine on either site. I have never corresponded with Michael Hoffman or with Zundel and I have never submitted any articles to his network or to Zundelsite or, for that matter, to any other right-wing website. If for any reason my articles appear on any right-wing site they appear without my consent. And as far as the Anti-Defamation League making such unfounded accusations, I would only ask of them to be more careful in the future of making such defaming remarks especially when they have a mission of defending others of exactly what they have let themselves commit.

James J. David is a retired Brigadier General and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s Command and General Staff College, and the National Security Course, National Defense University, Washington DC. He served as a Company Commander with the 101st Airborne Division in the Republic of Vietnam in 1969 and 1970 and also served nearly 3 years of Army active duty in and around the Middle East from 1967-1969.