Enough Terrorism

With the help of the international community (for example, foreign aid on par with Israel), Palestinians should be able to adopt more civil and democratic (i.e. more Israeli-like) practices vis-é-vis the Mideast conflict, which should include:

Building Palestinian-only settlements in the Israeli-ruled territories, such that these settlements would control 42% of the Jewish-territories, to ensure the security of Palestine

Diverting 80% of the natural water resources to these Palestinian-only settlements, to ensure the security of Palestine

Building Palestinian-only crossroads and highways that effectively dissect the contiguity of the Israeli self-ruled territories and assign race-specific color-coded plates, to ensure the security of Palestine

Set up Palestinian military roadblocks every 2 Kms or so, so as to make life unbearable for the Jews, to ensure the security of Israel

Erect a unilateral barricade (aka security fence) around Jews, to ensure the security of Palestine. Better yet, transfer Jews to neighboring European states (Palestine is such a small country)

Limit citizenship and democracy participation (but not taxation) to ethnic Palestinians, to ensure the security of Palestine

Palestinsins to teach their children that they are the chosen ones and that God gave them all Jewish properties, to ensure the security of Palestine

Palestinains to tell their citizenry that Jews don’t want peace, and that they seek the destruction of Palestine, to ensure the security of Palestine

Blow up Israeli buildings and Israeli-officials headquarters, imprison Israeli leaders and humiliate them, from Left to Right, to ensure the security of Palestine

Target-kill suspect Israeli-militants, Israeli-leaders, and whomever else they don’t like, to ensure the security of Palestine

Shoot and kill (or at least maim) thousands of at stone-throwing Israelis, children and otherwise, to ensure the security of Palestine

Attest that Palestine will never give up the settlements, allow the return of dispossessed Jewish refugees or accept the division of Jerusalem. But, Palestine wants peace and, as such, it is willing to allow a somewhat quasi-semi-self-ruled-like Jewish enclaves (henceforth, ‘generous offers’)

Tell the world how intransigent Israelis are to refuse their generous offers

Finally, demand Jews elect a more pragmatic and non-terrorist Israeli peace partner that will accept the generous Palestinian offers, to ensure the security of Palestine.

Mr. Baha Abushaqra is a Media Activist with Palestine Media Watch.